Grants Awarded

Niblock Yacovetta Terrace

Denver County

The Niblock-Yacovetta Terrace Apartments, built in 1891, are home to ten low-income families living in the quickly gentrifying Highlands neighborhood of Denver.

A black and white photo of the building from a mostly side angle showing the square pillars with steps ascending between them and a row of low-arched windows.

Niblock-Yacovetta Terrace

This summer, Del Norte undertook $297,577 worth of energy and water saving upgrades, including a new roof, furnaces, water heaters, appliances, insulation, light and water fixtures, and will be conducting $30,978 worth of landscaping this fall. This grant is for funds to perform stucco repair, tuck pointing, and to paint the exterior of the property using lead paint mitigation practices.

This site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.