National and State Register

Niblock-Yacovetta Terrace

Denver County

Constructed in 1891 by Isaac Percival for Thomas Niblock, an Irish immigrant, the terrace is divided in the middle by a stepped cornice and roof porch, which creates two five-unit sections with alternating wood stud and masonry party walls. 

A black and white photo of the building from a mostly side angle showing the square pillars with steps ascending between them and a row of low-arched windows.

Niblock-Yacovetta Terrace

The building is distinguished by a row of segmentally arched windows on the second floor facade.  Berardino Yacovetta purchased the building in 1917 and leased apartments to many of the immigrants from Italy that he sponsored.  The building provided housing for the three separate immigrant groups - Irish, Italian, and Hispanic - so important to the development of the North Denver neighborhood.

A SHF-funded grant assisted in exterior repairs and painting.