Ute Knowledge on blue background with colorful geometric pattern below Next to that is a male elder from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe standing in front of an Native American pictograph, placing his hand in the air while explaining Ute culture and knowledge.

Traveling Exhibition

Ute Knowledge: Colorado’s Original Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

A father stands and watches beside his young daughter while she plays with a Ute Wickiup interactive piece.
“ A male elder places his finger tips together from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe while standing in nature speaking to a group of youth students.”
In the corner of a room, the Ute Stem Traveling Exhibit displays a Beadwork interactive, along with three pop-up banners and one touch screen video monitor playing an educational video on the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.
Three people walk around a museum in a room featuring the Ute Traveling Exhibit, while engaging in interactives and looking at educational pop-up banners.
In the corner of a room, the Ute Stem Traveling Exhibit is displayed with three educational pop-up banners, two interactive Ute Knowledge displays, and one touch screen video monitor playing a video on the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.
Three museum visitors engage in conversation in the middle of the Utem Stem Traveling Exhibit. Displayed around them are two pop-up banners and interactive tables, and one touch screen monitor playing an educational video.