Rainbows & Revolutions banner with a group of activists staring at camera.

Traveling Exhibition

Rainbows & Revolutions

Seven individuals in 1970s clothing and fashion stand in front of a doorway, huddled close together and smiling. A man in the front row wears a shirt reading "I am 'One'. Are You?"
A woman looks at the multi-colored glass information and artifact cases making up Rainbows & Revolutions
2 older gentlemen look at a purple and pink wall timeline detailing LGBT history with photos and text.
A man with a mustache wearing 1980s/90s leather scene fashion, including a leather shirt, hat, and gloves.
Rows of multicolored glass cases filled with artifacts and information panels, making up the Rainbows & Revolutions exhibit. There's a purple and blue timeline of LGBT history across the wall.
A collection of colorful political buttons on a white surface. They read: "Women Against Violence Against Women (Disarm Rapists)" ; "Happy 5th Birthday Woman to Woman Sept. 1980" ; "How dare you presume me to be heterosexual" ; "Woman to Woman" ; "Come Out" ; "Stars & Dykes Forever" ; "Sexism is a Social Disease"; "An Army of Lovers Cannot Lose" ; and "Dyke"