National and State Register

Colorado State Forest Building Complex

Jackson County

The Colorado State Forest Building Complex represents good examples Pioneer Log and Rustic-style architecture, the style represented on the main house and the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) constructed office/garage.  Both the Pioneer Log and the Rustic styles incorporate the readily available and inexpensive construction material from the nearby forests.  The complex is also important for its association with President’s Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation to aid the United States during the Great Depression. 

A picture of a building from the side with log walls, horizontal windows and overhanging gable roof.

Colorado State Forest Building Complex

This legislation included creating numerous relief programs, policies, and agencies to provide employment, conserve natural resources, and assist in public works construction, such as projects completed by the CCC.  The CCC in Colorado constructed the large Rustic-style log office/garage at the property.  Additionally the property is significant in the area of military history as a work site for German and Austrian prisoners of war during the last three years, 1942 – 1945, of World War II and for the potential to yield important information to history.