National and State Register

Marble Mill Site / Colorado Yule Marble Co.

Gunnison County

Constructed sometime between 1896 and 1905, the mill produced marble that was used in the construction of the Lincoln Memorial and in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as well as a host of significant buildings in Oregon, California, and Colorado. 

A picture of the building with tall stone walls and overhanging gable window.

Marble Mill Site / Colorado Yule Marble Co. (1997 photograph.)

The plant consisted of departments for sawing, polishing, and carving.  Most of the facility was constructed of marble.  The mill survived a series of disasters, including a snow slide in 1912 and a fire in 1925.  It eventually closed in 1941 due to market issues and transportation costs.  By the late 1970s, the mill was in ruins.  Efforts to re-open the quarry commenced after 1989.