National and State Register

Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I O O F) Hall #41-Wagner & Askew

Gilpin County

The Russell Gulch Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I O O F) Hall (#41) building is significant for social history for its long association with the I O O F Lodge #41 providing an important social venue to interact with other miners and members and to receive assistance from their fellow members in times of need.  The 1895 building's second floor provided a meeting place for the Russell Gulch I O O F Lodge members and a community-meeting place for fifty years.

A photo of the building with tall narrow windows on the top floor and large windows on the first floor with door in the center.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I O O F) Hall #41-Wagner & Askew

As an investment opportunity, the I O O F leased the lower section of the building for Wagner & Askew, a retail business with a post office and therefore significant for commerce and politics and government.  Additionally, the two-story stone and brick building is architecturally significant as an excellent intact example of a Late 19th and Early 20th Century Revival style building.  Character-defining features of the style found on the building include cast iron pilasters, a double recessed entry, transomed windows and doors, multiple-pane display windows, and decorative brickwork.