National and State Register

Old North End Historic District

El Paso County

The Old North End neighborhood is a substantial collection of intact late-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century residential buildings, combined with a small number of intact commercial and institutional buildings from the same period that have historically served a supporting role in the district.  The majority of the district’s buildings has remained relatively unchanged and serve as excellent examples of the wide variety of house types and architectural styles that were popular from 1885-1965, including Georgian Revival, MissionSpanish Colonial RevivalBungalowInternational Style, and other Modern Movement styles and types.

A view of a sidewalk before a house on the left and a series of trees and fences before it.

Old North End Historic District

The architectural character of the district is also indicative of the various periods of growth in Colorado Springs, from the late-nineteenth century gold boom through the post-World War II population influx.  In addition, a number of the district’s homes were designed by well-known, influential architects of the day and are significant examples of their interpretations of these styles for middle and upper class housing in Colorado Springs.  First listed in the National Register in 1982, the historic district was expanded in 2015.