Centennial Farms & Ranches

Weyerman Ranch

Yuma County

Swiss-born Gottfriend Weyermann immigrated to the United States in 1883 and married Carolena Fischer. Two years later they homesteaded southeast of Idalia, Colorado. They received a patent in 1900 and a homestead certificate in 1909. They built a sod house, barn, and chicken house, and had six children: Ida, Anna Marie, Herman, Arnold Henry, Frederick John, and Lena. Corolena died in 1905, and Gottfried was remarried in 1909 to Eliza. The barn was built in 1917, and two years later a concrete-walled house with three rooms, a cistern, and carbide gas plant were built. Frederick farmed with his father until Gottfried’s death in 1928. Fred purchased the homestead for $12,000 from his siblings and step-mother. In 1920, Fred married Martha Amelia Schwerer. They raised three children: Florence, Ralph, and Irene June. In 1948, a 32-volt wind generator with glass storage batteries was installed. In 1952, pumped water and indoor plumbing was installed. Ralph took over farming the land and in 1957 married Beverly Frank. They had four children: Larry, Susie, Wayne, and Sharon. A house for Ralph’s family was brought onto the ranch. Wayne and Larry are the 4th generation to care for the 2,320-acre ranch, producing wheat, corn, and cattle. 

Picture of windmill.

Weyerman Ranch