Members of the Peters 313 Ranch at the Colorado State Fair.

Centennial Farms & Ranches

Peters 313 Ranch

Weld County

John Lee Peters immigrated to Colorado from northern Germany in 1910 with his wife and four children.

John Peters in 1944.

John Peters in 1944.

Photo courtesy of the Peters 313 Ranch.

The Peters family began homesteading what would become Peters 313 Ranch, which was founded in 1914.  They grew wheat, oats and hay and raised cattle, and by 1939 the family was able to purchase the property.  Four historic structures still stand on the property today: the house, built in 1948; the Kohler/Well House, built in 1941; the calving shed, built in 1938; and the windmills, built in 1940.  All these structures but the Kohler/Well House are still in use.

Peters 313 Ranch brand.
Peters 313 Ranch view.
Peters 313 Ranch sign.
An aerial view of the Peters 313 Ranch.