National and State Register

Debus Farm

Logan County

The Debus Farm is representative of the agrarian heritage of Logan County, an early 20th century leader in the northeastern Colorado sugar beet industry.

The Debus Farm barn was built circa 1926. It has a gambrel roof and is clad in tongue-and-groove horizontal cove-style novelty wood siding painted red with white trim. The metal roof was installed in 1997. The roof ridge, oriented north-south and approximately twenty-eight feet above grade, extends beyond the south exterior wall. This “hay hood” supports a track for a former pulley system that was used to load hay into the loft; the track continues along the roof ridge inside the second floor hay mow.

A barn at the Debus Farm.

Sugar beets were the cash crop for many families, as is evidenced by the number of Germans from Russia who brought their agricultural mastery of sugar beet farming when they settled in Colorado.  The farm is an architecturally significant collection of early 20th century agricultural outbuildings.  The barn and the simple type of outbuildings are rarely found today on farmsteads due to improvements in agricultural technology.  Many have been replaced by metal prefabricated buildings.