Members of Paulsen Farm with Governor John Hickenlooper.

Centennial Farms & Ranches

Paulsen Farm

Prowers County

In 1901 German immigrants Claus and Maria Paulsen and their seven children moved from Nebraska to Prowers County and bought the original 320 acres of their farm.

Paulsen Farm house.

Paulsen Farm house.

Photo courtesy of Paulsen Farm.

They immediately set to work building a barn, outhouse, and farmhouse, which is known in the area for its historic foursquare style that was prevalent in Colorado during the first few decades of the 20th century.  Additionally, the farm is a great example of a new type of irrigated farming replacing the dryland farming during the second homestead era. The Paulsens successfully farmed alfalfa and wheat, and Claus handed down the farm to his son Rudolf, who later gave it to his son Claus H. Paulsen.

Members of the Paulsen Farm with their Centennial Farm plaque.

Members of the Paulsen Farm.

History Colorado.

Claus’ wife Linda is the current owner of the now 240-acre farm, which still produces alfalfa.  Paulsen Farm’s house and farm structures are listed on the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties and the National Register of Historic Places.