Centennial Farms & Ranches

Shook-Kyle Farm

Kit Carson County

Charles Martin Shook was granted a homestead of 160 acres fifteen miles north of Flagler Colorado, in February of 1913. Charles Marion Kyle married Charles Martin Shook's granddaughter Rachel Harwood in 1926 and the couple raised seven children on the farm. Their children, Marion Alexander Kyle, June Kyle Shideler, Theresa Kyle Copley, Vada Kyle Carey, Marylin Kyle Grimes, Glenn Kyle and Meredith Kyle Hase. Charles Marion Kyle built the house where Marion Alexander Kyle was born in 1927. He lived there until his death in 2008. Marion Alexander Kyle and Doris Freeman Kyle five children, Chrystine Kyle Cosbey, Dan Kyle, Susan Kyle Hunt, Diane Kyle Miller, Karen Kyle. They grew wheat, raised cattle, chickens and always had a large garden. Marion Alexander Kyle and Doris Kyle added on to the existing home in 19S8. In 2019 the house, out buildings and 35 acres of pasture were purchased by William E Cosbey Ill and Chrystine Kyle Cosbey. An additional 392 acres is still owned by the Kyle family and is in wheat, adjacent to the original farm. William and Chrystine continue to upgrade the existing structures for the families continued use into the future.

Aerial view of farm

Shook-Kyle Farm