National and State Register

R.S.S. Fox House

Montezuma County

The 1917 house is a good local expression of the Craftsman style.  Despite the enclosure of the porch, the home possesses distinctive characteristics of the style as seen in the full-width front porch with its short, square columns resting on larger piers, the triangular knee braces along the sloping edges of the roof, and the roof’s overhanging open eaves with exposed rafters. 

A black and white photo of the house with overhanging gabled roof and covered porch.

R.S.S. Fox House (1997 photograph.)

The porte cochère (covered carriage or automobile entryway) is an element infrequently seen in Craftsman homes.  The interior of the houses also reflects the Craftsman style with its oak fireplace and tile surround, the pedestal colonnaded cased openings with built-in bookcases, and the plate rail.  The Fox House is the largest residential example of the Craftsman style in Dolores, and it is the only house in town with a porte cochère.  At the time of construction, Fox worked in the Dolores bank and also sold insurance.