National and State Register

Rooney Ranch

Jefferson County

The buildings located within this approximately 200-acre agricultural district are especially noteworthy due to the extensive use of native sandstone in their construction.  The 1¾-story ranch house was built by Alexander Rooney and his brother-in-law Thomas Littlefield in the early 1860s.  The coursed walls are of large, smooth-faced sandstone blocks, and an 1867 spring house is of similar construction. 

A black and white photo of some buildings on the ranch in a valley.

Rooney Ranch

The 1890 barn and most of the numerous buildings constructed through the mid-20th century are of uncoursed rubble.  Rooney, a stonemason and farmer, arrived in 1859 and soon realized there was money to be made in provisioning the miners flocking to the area.  He started a dairy farm and later raised horses and cattle on his ranch, which at one time encompassed 4,500 acres.