Porter Farm family at the Colorado State Fair.

Centennial Farms & Ranches

Porter Farm

Washington County

Guy L. Porter came to Washington County from Nebraska and claimed a one-half section of land under the Homestead Act.  He proved up and received a patent on the property in 1912.  Two years later he married Ida Richards of New York and the couple had five daughters and one son. 

Porter Farm member.

Porter Farm member.

History Colorado.

In the early years the Porters milked cows and raised pigs.  During the Depression, the younger children herded hundreds of turkeys that fed on grasshoppers.  The family processed the birds and took them to Denver along with cans of cream to sell.  Later Hereford cattle were introduced.  When Guy died, the farm was divided among the six children and Ida.  Tom worked the land and eventually purchased the property from his sisters.  Today the farm is at 4160 acres.  It is held by Bonita Porter and her four daughters.  Much of the farmland is planted with grass for grazing and about 900 acres are leased for wheat, mullet, and cattle.

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