Centennial Farms & Ranches

Pine Canyon Ranch

Douglas County

In 1867, Alex Scott brought his family to the United States from Scotland. In 1885, Alex purchased the first 160 acres of his ranch using the U.S. Homestead Act. The Scott homestead was eventually passed down to Earnest Scott. This forced his brother, Walter, to find his own homestead. Walter's father-in-law had owned the ranch next to the Scott ranch since 1909. Walter purchased that ranch in 1917. That property became known at the Scott Cattle Ranch. As a family, the Scotts were a ranching and agricultural institution in Douglas County. Walter and Ida worked the land together for decades, raising cattle and growing various crops. Their three children balanced schoolwork with ranching duties. Throughout the years, the Scott home hosted events for 4-H and other agricultural societies. Eventually, Walter passed down the ranch to his children. The property we now know as Pine Canyon Ranch was Bonnie's share of the ranch. Since the 1990s, Pine Canyon Ranch has been owned and maintained by Bonnie's son Jim and his family. We have gleaned lessons from the generations who cared for the land before us, and maintaining our family's sterling legacy has guided our stewardship of Pine Canyon Ranch.

Picture of a house

Pine Canyon Ranch