Centennial Farms & Ranches

M&M Hahn Family Partnership

Yuma County

The M&M Hahn Partnership LLLP farm is located in Yuma, Colorado. The land came under Hahn family ownership when Allen Fields sold 960 acres to Louis and Katie Bueltel in 1910. Originally producing corn, wheat, sorghum, and cattle, soybeans are now grown as well. The original farmhouse was not built until 1920. The Bueltels had a daughter, Rose, who married Joe Hahn. The couple bought the land in 1931. After serving in the Air Force, Rose and Joe’s son Maurice bought the farm in 1946. He married Marie, and the farm has been passed down through the family ever since. The partnership now includes Marie, her kids: Rod, Janet, and Missy; and her grandkids: Karianne, Kindra, Jerry, Tara, Katie and Heidi. Rod and Missy manage the partnership and Rod has farmed the land since ending his teaching career in 1979. 

Aerial view of farm

M&M Hahn Family Partnership