Centennial Farms & Ranches

Lebsack (Dirks) Farm

Phillips County

The Lebsacks are blessed to have the family farm receive the centennial honor this year. It all began with Mary Lou's grandparents, Ed and Maggie Dirks, and their four children, Floyd, Lewis, Ruby, and Irene. The young family moved from Dalton, Nebraska to the current farm  site, 6.75 miles north of Holyoke, on March 1, 1920. The house that stands there currently did not exist, so the family of 6 lived in a grainery until their basement house was dug. Ed, Maggie, and family lived in the-­small basement abode while building the house that stands today over the top. The house was finished in 1928. Fast forward a few years to 1940, and Lewis, now grown and married, his pregnant wife Dora, and 2 young children moved to Iowa to try their hand at farming there. They sowed the land for 6 years before moving back in December of 1946 to their parent's house that they had purchased. Lewis and Dora farmed the family land for years before gifting the farm to youngest daughter Mary Lou and her husband Richard in November of 1974. They raised a family of their own in the same house as her grandparents, welcoming daughter, Laurie, and son, Curt into the legacy. To this day, Curt has taken over the farming while Richard enjoys his retirement, as one day, the farm will be passed down to him and his wife Brenda.

Aerial view of farm

Lebsack (Dirks) Farms

Image from Google Maps