Centennial Farms & Ranches

A.H. Tetsell Farm/Ranch

Logan County

The Tetsell farm is located in Logan County, just 2 1/2 miles northwest of Sterling. The farm was started by William E. Tetsell who first came to Colorado in 1874. After establishing a successful ranch near Merino,
Tetsell sold that ranch and in 1885 moved his family to Sterling, purchasing the present farmsite. This farm was eventually inherited by their son, Albert H. Tetsell and his wife, Mary, and was, in turn, passed on to Albert and Mary's daughters, Lucille, Lorraine and Lois Ethel. The farm was used to raise sugar beets before the factory closed, with its major crops now being corn, alfalfa and pinto beans. The Tetsell farm is also being given the historic structures award for several of its older buildings.