Black and white historical photo of a young woman holding a sleeping baby wearing a white gown. She is wearing black and staring at the camera with the child near her face.

Upcoming Exhibition

Special Deliveries

Special Deliveries explores the story of three Colorado health professionals who cared for mothers and babies before, during, and after pregnancies, as well as the realities of childbirth and parenting in the early 20th century. Practicing medicine in a time before jobs came with medical insurance, the medical professionals detailed in Special Deliveries were often paid with eggs, jars of preserved goods, and offers to repaint the provider’s house in return for the care given to mothers and babies. Today, Colorado has more than 300 midwives who build their work on the traditions of expertise, love, and care provided by these dedicated professionals and the communities of women who provided support, resources, and camaraderie to mothers and their “special deliveries”.
